Overview | Description | Behind the Scenes | Illustrative Performances
Overview of Her One-Woman Theatrical Show
Immersing yourself in the tapestry of Mary Margaret Mann’s one-woman theatrical show is a riveting journey that intertwines the ancient with the present. Mary Margaret weaves a powerful storyline that breathes life into timeless narratives. Through her masterful performances, audiences are transported into the heart of these stories, experiencing the trials, triumphs, and transformations of characters from ages past. Mary Margaret offers a unique perspective that resonates with the soul and lingers in the memory.
Description of the characters Mary Margaret embodies, including Queen Esther’s role and significance in the show.
Within the realm of Mary Margaret Mann’s one-woman theatrical show, a myriad of characters come alive under her masterful portrayal. Among these luminous figures, Queen Esther emerges as a compelling centerpiece. Through her portrayal, Mary Margaret encapsulates Esther’s courage and conviction. Esther’s significance in the show lies not only in her historical role but also as a symbol of resilience and empowerment. Her story resonates across time, reminding us of the enduring strength found in the face of adversity. As Mary Margaret embodies these characters, she skillfully bridges the past and present, inviting audiences to glean wisdom from their journeys and to reflect on the universal themes that bind us together.
Behind the Scenes

Mary Margaret Mann – As a professional actress who blends entertainment and education—Edutainment is her style! She has written a book entitled, The Dance of Life, and contributed to a book that is now in the White House Library.
Illustrative Performances

Portrait Programs
- A Life Well Lived
- A Patriot’s Heart
- Blossoms of Promise
- “How Do I Love Thee…” A Browning Salon
- Elizabeth Endicott / A Pilgrim’s Story
- The Genesis of Genius
- Discovering Your Place in the Universe

Biblical Presentations
- Mary and Martha
- The Woman at The Well
- His Majesty and The Magi
- Mary of Magdala
- Mrs. Noah’s Voyage of Faith
- Ruth / Israel’s Gentle Heroine
- Mary, Mother of Jesus

Theatre & Music Fusion
You are in for an intriguing fusion of wonderful theatre and musical riches. This sensational concept combines the interpretive depth and outstanding skills of two performers with a novel and gripping approach to an exploration of themes of life in music and drama.
Example: Where Living Waters Flow – Stirring music to muse life’s journey with captivating dramatic interpretation by Mary Margaret Mann. Her portrayals provide a pageant of persons moving to the music of life with time as the drum major.